Friday, October 12, 2012


I love cinnamon.  Cinnamon is one of those everyday spices that not only adds great flavor to your foods, it also has many health benefits:
  • it can lower your bad cholesterol 
  • it can stabilize blood sugar levels (great for weight loss and diabetics)
  • it is anti-fungal and can fight candida
  • it is anti-inflammatory and can help with arthritis pain
  • it can fight leukemia and cancer cells
  • it can help with migraines and headaches
  • it helps to preserve foods
Try to add a little cinnamon to your diet every day.  One of the easiest ways to do this is to add a dash of cinnamon to your plain coffee or tea.  Sprinkle it in the bottom of your cup before you pour the coffee or hot water into it.  Stir if necessary to help dissolve it.  Remember, though, that cinnamon is toxic in very large doses so don't go overboard.  A little goes a long way.

Cinnamon also smells heavenly (who doesn't love the smell of cinnamon buns?).  I love to make an inexpensive homemade potpourri that makes my whole house smell delicious.  Simply put some cinnamon sticks, a dash of whole or ground cloves, a dash of nutmeg, a teaspoon of vanilla extract, and water into an electric potpourri pot or a small pan.  If using a pan, heat on high until just before it boils then lower to lowest heat setting and let simmer.  For either method be sure to check it frequently, adding water so it doesn't dry out.  Experiment with different spices so you can vary your recipe for different seasons or just for a change of pace.

I buy my cinnamon sticks, extracts, and spices for my potpourris at the dollar store.  The dollar store gives you larger quantities for your money, and since I'm not eating them I don't worry as much about the quality.   This works better and is safe, unlike room sprays and air fresheners that send dangerous aerosolized chemicals into your lungs.

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